Other Resources

Resources for finding diverse books

Goodreads - a database of books that allows users to search for books, track their reading, rate books, and interact with others about the books they've read.

We Need Diverse Books - A non-profit organization whose purpose is to get more diverse books in the hands of readers. They have created a list of websites that have more diverse book recommendations. This organization in part inspired this website.

Lib-Web - Use this resource to locate your local public library to checkout diverse books found on this website. From this site you can find libraries and access each library's website.

Resources used to create the database and website

Bootstrap - Framework used for the website design. It allows development with HTML, CSS, and JS.

Bitbucket - A control repository where the site is hosted. The free version allows us to store 1GB of data. We were able to make code changes without losing previous material.